

Taking into consideration the Chair’s objectives and recognizing its significance in the current era of globalization, a Model United Nations Club, under the guidance of UNESCO’s Chair of Education for Sustainable Peace, was established in 2023. The primary aim of this club is to organize annual on-campus Model United Nations conferences that provide students with…

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Certificate Program for Syrian Refugees (CPSR)

Istanbul Aydın University implements Certificate Program for Syrian Refugees, to provide Syrian youth in Turkey with job-focused specialized modules in marketing, financial management, and computer programming. As part of the Grant scheme of the HOPES project funded by the European Union and implemented by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) together with the British Council, Campus France and Nuffic, the Certificate…

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About RESCUE: The partner countries involved in this proposal, namely Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq (but also some of the Programme Countries involved, such as Turkey and Germany) are experiencing a very critical situation due to the high number of refugees present on their territory: most of these are Syrian citizens and include a high percentage…

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